Getting Started

Register and Create an App

First, you will want to register as a developer and create your first app. Creating an app gives you access to the credentials you need to make API requests. You will need to write a description of your app, and you will have the ability to change that at a later date. If you're looking for some inspiration, check out some of the third-party apps using the Dexcom API in the Gallery.

Make a Request

The best way to learn is to try out the API for yourself. Building up an app from scratch can take some time, so we've provided code examples in several popular languages to help you get started—find them in the documentation for each of the endpoints.

Learn More About Endpoints and Authentication

Find out about what types of data are available in the Endpoint Overview section and how to access it in the Authentication section.

Build Your App

... and test it using the Sandbox Data.

Apply for Limited Access

Assemble your assets and request an upgrade for your app to Limited Access status through the app management section. To learn more about this process, refer to the Scopes & Access section.

Limited access allows you to authenticate up to 5 users for testing with real data.

Apply for Full Access

Complete your development and testing and apply for Full Access status through the app management section. To learn more about this process, have a look at the Scopes & Access section.

Submit Feedback and Ask Questions

The Support section has answers to many frequently asked questions and enables you to submit feedback and support requests.